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The Latest Developments in AI Ethics

While the lion’s share of ethics attention has been focused on the top-rated soap opera “Open AI,” there have been some other noteworthy developments over the past few weeks when it comes to AI and ethics.

At the end of November, the PRSA and its’ Board of Ethics and Professional Standards released their guidelines on AI ethics: Promise & Pitfalls: The Ethical Use of AI. It is definitely worth a read and takes a different approach from other AI ethics guidelines, such as the PR Council’s Ethics Guidelines on Generative AI Tools (note: I co-led the development of that code) and the CIPR and CPRS Ethics Guide to Artificial Intelligence in PR. It provides a conversational and easily accessible guide that looks at the pros and cons of common uses of generative AI by PR pros.

Why Gun Violence Is A Public Health Crisis & What Social Marketing Can Do About It

It was on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, the day of the mass school shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, that I decided it was time for social marketers to “rise” and contribute more to reducing gun deaths and injuries. I not only heard that 19 children and two teachers were killed during the shooting, I also read that the shooter had sent text messages to a friend sharing that “Ima go shoot up a elementary school rn (right now).” Then I read on the Sandy Hook Promise Foundation website that “93% of school shooters planned the attack in advance, and that in 4 out of 5 school shootings, at least one other person had knowledge of the attacker’s plan but failed to report it.” The next day I learned that almost half of school shooters stole the gun from a family member. It was clear to me that two behaviors could have helped prevent this shooting, as well as future ones: “Say Something If See Something”, and “Store Guns Safely.”

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