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Mark McClennan

Author Collection

The Latest Developments in AI Ethics

While the lion’s share of ethics attention has been focused on the top-rated soap opera “Open AI,” there have been some other noteworthy developments over the past few weeks when it comes to AI and ethics.

At the end of November, the PRSA and its’ Board of Ethics and Professional Standards released their guidelines on AI ethics: Promise & Pitfalls: The Ethical Use of AI. It is definitely worth a read and takes a different approach from other AI ethics guidelines, such as the PR Council’s Ethics Guidelines on Generative AI Tools (note: I co-led the development of that code) and the CIPR and CPRS Ethics Guide to Artificial Intelligence in PR. It provides a conversational and easily accessible guide that looks at the pros and cons of common uses of generative AI by PR pros.

Ethics and ESG Reporting: Developments for 2024 and Beyond

Last week, I had the pleasure of speaking about Ethics and ESG reporting at the PRSA International Conference with my esteemed colleague, Quentin Langley.
While I have been living in an AI ethics world for the past year, it is good to take a step back and look at the sea change that is occurring in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting.

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